In 2008, on the fifth season of TVA's popular reality show "Occupation Double", the French-speaking world met the young, beautiful Olivia Ambar. Ambar, a naturalized Canadian citizen who grew up in France, was eliminated from the show in its fourth week, but clearly left an impression on viewers who not only created a Facebook Fan page for her but continued to record her every move in Montreal gossip blogs where it was rumoured she was dating a certain Montréal Canadiens hockey player.
We interviewed Olivia to find out how she got in shape for her TV appearances and modeling shoots, and how she continues to stay motivated.
Gold's Gym Prestige: What first motivated you to start going to a gym?
Olivia Ambar: Well I like to feel strong and healthy and I feel stronger when I'm training plus I do a lot of photo shoots and need to look good for the camera and be in shape.
GGP: Do you always have a trainer when you work out or do you train alone?
OA: For now, I go alone, but when I first came to Gold's I had a trainer for six months and loved it. When I started working out, I had a lot to learn about the different equipment and techniques so I chose to invest in a trainer. Later, my priorities shifted and I decided to train on my own so I could use the extra money for traveling and savings. But if I have the choice, I prefer to use a trainer so I'll likely return to working with one in the near future.
GGP: Do you feel there's a big difference in how motivated you feel when you work out alone versus when you work out with a trainer?
OA: Yeah, especially on the machines where I might not push myself as hard compared to when a trainer is with me. When I'm not working out with a trainer, I prefer to go to the different classes (at Gold's), especially the spinning classes.
For the rest of this interview, stay tuned to Gold's Gym Prestige's blog...!