Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Mother's Support

Someone who’s supported me a lot so far during my journey is my mom. She’s helped me prepare my food and she’s supported me on the days were I didn’t want to follow my diet. She’s always asking how my day is going, how my training was and if I need any help with my nutrition. She know’s that I’ve always struggled with my weight and she’s been there through all my ups and down.
She’s really helped me with my nutrition. She’s always asking me if I need anything from the grocery store to help with my meal prep. She’s also offered to cook some food for me if I ever need help. She also uses my journey as inspiration for her. My healthy eating has pushed her to make healthier meals for herself and the rest of my family. She’s also started walking more and be a little bit more active. I’m still working on getting her to join the gym with me!
She told me the other day that something about me was different. She said I had a bigger smile on my face than usual and that I had more of a bounce in my step. She told me she’s certain I’ll be able to reach my goal this time. It’s great to always have that constant support. I know she’s someone I can rely on and that she’ll always be there for me!

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