After having a not so great August, I really want to focus on having a great September. I didn't follow my nutrition plan really well so I want to make sure September is a perfect month. I printed a schedule for September and posted it on my wall in my room. For every day that I follow my diet, I'm going to give myself a sticker. It may sound dumb but seeing a streak of stickers may motivate me to keep following my diet for the month. It may also help me track my tendencies if I do ever mess up my diet. I'm also going to add a second sticker for every day I work out. I want to work out every day, even if it's just for 30 minutes. I need to get moving and really push myself to lose weight this month. September means I'm 7 months away from my fitness modelling competition so I really need to kick it up a notch.
I also have other goals in mind. I want to lose 5 lbs by the end of the month. I want to bring my body fat down to 20%. I want to finally be able to do a pull up. I want to leg press 6 plates. I think these are all reasonable things I can achieve in a month. They're smaller, achievable goals and it'll keep my motivation up for September. I'm really feeling good and I hope it's a good month!
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