Friday, April 1, 2011

30-Day Hard Body Workout - Week 4

Hard Body Circuit

Perform this routine three times through, resting between sets for a few minutes. Unless otherwise specified, do 12-15 reps of each exercise, using a weight that is challenging but doable for a high number of reps. Rest time is active rest time, so you should be moving constantly!

1. Walking Lunge

Week 4 Add shoulder press

With your elbows below the wrists, hold a dumbbell on either side of your shoulders and press the dumbbells up until yours arms are extended. Lower dumbbells and repeat.

2. Plank

Week 4 Using a stability ball, hold for 45 seconds.
Works abs, back
Lie face-down on a mat. Push off from your chest, resting on your forearms and toes. Keep your back flat, in a straight line from head to heels.

3. Pushup

Week 4 Hands on ball

Place your palms on a stability ball, about shoulder-width apart.
Works chest, shoulders, abs, triceps
Lie face-down with your hands slightly more than shoulder-width apart and your feet together. Keeping your body straight, push up.

4. Squat

Week 4 Add front raise

Start with dumbbells at your thighs, palms down. Lift the dumbbells straight up to shoulder height as you lower your legs.
Use a stability ball to support you during this series. Place the ball between your lower back and a wall. Put your feet a foot or two in front of you and slowly squat down until your butt is parallel with the floor, letting the ball roll up your back.

5. Crunch

Week 4 Add stability ball

Place a stability ball under the middle of your back and perform as usual.
Lie on your back with your legs bent, hands behind your head and feet flat on the floor. Keeping your neck relaxed, roll your upper back off the floor and then slowly return to starting position.

6. Dead Lift

Week 4 Add hammer curl

While fully upright, hold the dumbbells at your sides, your palms facing your legs. Bend your elbows and bring the dumbbells up toward your shoulders until your elbows can't bend any further. Slowly lower the dumbbells.

Rest 3 minutes before beginning the circuit again.

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