Saturday, September 20, 2014

No Regrets

My boyfriend and I made breakfast for my family this morning. We made scrambled eggs, sausage and blueberry pancakes. It was fun cooking together and everyone loved the food. I resisted all temptation and didn't have any of the food. Not one pancake! I made my own breakfast of oatmeal and protein as well as 1 egg mixed with egg whites and I scrambled them. My breakfast was really good too but I'm sure a plate of pancakes would've been delicious!

I worked in the evening so I had to get my work out in pretty late. I did the lifting work out my trainer gave me. During the first round of exercises, I kept stopping before I would complete the reps for each exercise. I guess I didn't realize how tired I was or I just wasn't motivated. I was pretty surprised because I wasn't dreading my work out. I knew I had to get it done all day and I was ready to do it. I thought about going home but then I would've been dissappointed in myself. I took a second to refocus before my second set. I decided to time myself and see how quickly I could get through the second round. It was a good motivator and I tried to beat my time for my last set.

Overall, I'm happy I stuck to my plan and finished my work out. I was talking to someone at the juice bar today who used to compete in body building competitions. He said the moment they're about to announce the winner, a lot of stuff went through his head. When he didn't win his first competition, he started to think about the missed work outs and if he hadn't eaten that dessert, would it have helped him win. He told me to not have any regrets once I step on stage. So I'm going to start using his knowledge and use that if I ever think about skipping a work out or cheating on my meal plan. It helped me tonight as I didn't want to regret ending my work out early. I pushed through and got it done!

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