Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Easy Morning Run

I went for a 30 minute run this morning. I woke up early to review stuff for my internship and went running afterwards. It was a great way for me to review and think about things in my head. It definitely helped my run go by faster. It was a beautiful day yesterday! I went for my usual run by the water and I ran just over 5km. It felt great. I got my exercise in for the day and it was a wonderful feeling to be outside.
I had to work out in the morning since I had to be in the clinic for 12. I treated some of the football players for minor injuries and then stayed to cover practice. The day went by quickly since they only had one practice. There's only a few days left of training camp and then the craziness is over. I don't get much of a break since I start school on Tuesday. Where did summer go?? 

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